InstallationPlay Design Lab2024高雄市立歷史博物館#animation, #animated illustration, #interactive wall, #motion graphics, #animated graphics, #interactive drawing, #old photography, #memories, #photo gallery, #photo album, #touch-based interaction, #touch screen, #hand drawing, #drawing 印象高雄 Impressions of Kaohsiung
ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2023經國紀念館#touch screen, #print design, #projection mapping, #curated artifacts 挑重擔,走難路:經國紀念館 Ching-kuo Memorial Hall: Devotion to Shouldering Burdens
ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2023經國紀念館#realtime broadcast, #acoustic experience, #touch screen, #print design, #augmented reality 北橫遊客中心 Northern Cross-Island Highway Visitor Center
Installation, Service DesignPlay Design Lab2023Revere#touch screen, #UI/UX, #GUI, #screen-based interaction, #memorial, #life and death, #kiosk, #mobile device 互動式生命紀念產品開發 Revere: The Next Generation of Memorial
InstallationPlay Design Lab2022國立科學工藝博物館#touch screen, #animated illustration 淨零島 Building a Net Zero Island
Installation, ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2022高雄流行音樂中心 Kaohsiung Pop Music Center#green screen, #kiosk, #touch screen, #auditory experience, #voice-activated, #voice user interface, #kaleidoscope, #digital composer, #mixer 高雄流行音樂中心音樂互動展 Kaohsiung Pop Music Center
Installation, ArtPlay Design Lab2021新北市美術館 New Taipei City Art Museum#touch screen, #multi-touch, #Multi-user, #art education, #Rotatable UI, #steering wheel UI, #tangible, #customization 藝術行動巴士:數位號 NTCAM Art Bus
ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2020昇平戲院#touch screen, #Tangible, #Rotatable UI, #hand crank, #VR, #Kinetoscope, #VR Kinetoscope 座‧無虛席:昇平戲院 ╳ 臺灣老戲院特展 Classic Theaters in Taiwan
InstallationPlay Design Lab2020高雄市立歷史博物館#touch screen, #multi-touch, #Multi-user 數字高雄 Digit Kaohsiung
Installation, ArtPlay Design Lab2020促進轉型正義委員會#Animation, #touch screen 彼時影・未來光:翻 / 轉 Flipping The Board