Exhibition, BrandingPlay Design Lab2016深圳大梅沙萬科集團#Projection Mapping, #motion graphics, #video wall, #digital signage, #interactive table 萬科歷史博物館 Documenta Vanke
InstallationPlay Design Lab2016國立科學工藝博物館 National Science and Technology Museum#Illustration, #Animation 糧食危機 動態影像設計 Food Crisis
InstallationPlay Design Lab2016國立科學工藝博物館 National Science and Technology Museum#Illustration, #Animation 米蘭柯維奇循環 動態影像設計 Milankovich
InstallationPlay Design Lab2016國立科學工藝博物館 National Science and Technology Museum#3D, #VR 溫鹽環流 VR Thermohaline Circulation VR
Branding, Service DesignPlay Design Lab2016玩味旅舍#customization, #web design, #hotel design 玩味旅舍:自選傢俱訂房體驗 Play Design Hotel: Guest Selections Room
InstallationPlay Design Lab2016法鼓山校史館#Generative, #Multi-user 聚沙興學互動桌 Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts