InstallationPlay Design Lab2022東石自然生態展示館#VR, #animated illustration, #projection mapping 成為賞鳥人 Becoming a Birdwatcher
ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2022新北市立黃金博物館#VR, #mobile interaction, #interactive wall, #3D sculpture, #5G, #herbarium 大地館 The Good Earth Pavilion
InstallationPlay Design Lab2020昇平戲院#Tangible, #Rotatable UI, #hand crank, #VR, #Kinetoscope, #VR Kinetoscope 復古手搖 VR 放映機 VR Kinetoscope
ExhibitionPlay Design Lab2020昇平戲院#touch screen, #Tangible, #Rotatable UI, #hand crank, #VR, #Kinetoscope, #VR Kinetoscope 座‧無虛席:昇平戲院 ╳ 臺灣老戲院特展 Classic Theaters in Taiwan
Featured·InstallationPlay Design Lab2017國立科學工藝博物館 National Science and Technology Museum#3D, #Multi-user, #Game-based Learning, #VR 戰機飛行體驗 VR Flight Simulation VR
InstallationPlay Design Lab2016國立科學工藝博物館 National Science and Technology Museum#3D, #VR 溫鹽環流 VR Thermohaline Circulation VR